Permanent Residence
Attaining permanent residency in the United States is a significant step, granting the privilege to live and work in the country indefinitely. However, it's worth noting that certain civic duties, such as voting and jury service, are exclusive to U.S. citizens.
A green card can be obtained through various routes: family ties, employment, special immigrant status, or as a refugee or asylee, among others. Each path has specific requirements and legal nuances.
There are two categories of green cards: conditional and standard. Conditional green cards are valid for two years, and recipients must apply to remove these conditions 90 days before the card expires. Standard green cards last ten years and must be renewed prior to their expiration date. Crucially, while the card itself expires, permanent resident status does not—unless it's relinquished or revoked by legal means.
Our firm provides thorough guidance in the management of your permanent resident status, from removing conditions to renewing or replacing your Permanent Resident Card. Our goal is to help you maintain uninterrupted and compliant residency in the United States.